Production process of boilers ATTACK
Beginning of the production process
The production process of ATTACK boilers and other products starts with its own research and development in accordance with the certified quality management system ISO 9001. Every year we strive to innovate and bring modernization of boilers for increasing customer comfort. Boilers are developed with great emphasis on ease of operation, product quality and high efficiency with the lowest possible impact on the environment. The development of the new product also includes long testing until it reaches the right quality.
Testing of ATTACK DPX product in Research & Development center
Programming of production machines ATTACK, s.r.o.
Final versions of the thickness and shape of individual boiler components are prepared in the programming department of production lines and machines. In the production of the boiler body itself all operations are carried out within the company, i.e. we do not use cooperation. With this system we can control the high quality of produced boilers and further improve our own know-how.

Punching out individual parts of the boiler
Production of boiler – cutting of material
The first production process of the boiler begins with the cutting of high-quality sheet metal from US Steel Košice with a thickness of 6 mm. For material separation, we have a punching center where we use a machine from the Trumpf company which has automatic loading and unloading of sheet metal as well as unloading and sorting of parts. An excellent feature of the machine is the possibility of sheet metal forming in the form of thread forming.
Laser cutting of material
We also cut the material using a laser. Burning material on TruLaser 3030 and Bysprint 3015 lasers with a power of 30 kW and 20 kW is fully automatic. For this process we use the CNC laser dividing machine Bystronic technology. These are High Quality Swiss Dividing Machines that use a high-performance laser beam for their function. The advantage of laser material division is the high accuracy of the fired parts of ATTACK products.

Laser cutting of material using the TruLaser 3030 machine

Laser cutting of material using a Bysprint 3015 machine
Robotic and manual bending of material
The second production process is material bending, for which we also use Trumpf products. The TruBend 7036 machine is designed for manual sheet metal bending of small and medium parts of the boiler. Due to the design and compact size, the machine is accurate, fast and efficient. It is equipped with 6 axis stops, which offers great possibilities in bending non-standard parts (eg oblique bends). To protect the health of our employees, we use robotic bending of large parts of the boiler, which weigh up to 150 kg. The TruBend 5130 bending center is equipped with a press brake max. pressure 130 T. Bending measurement is performed with a non-contact laser measuring system. This process ensures maximum accuracy and minimum deviation. It offers maximum efficiency and wide use in precise sheet metal bending.

Robotic bending with laser technology

Manual bending of small and medium parts of boiler’s parts
Boiler heat exchanger welding
The third production process is welding of the boiler exchanger and other components. When welding the boiler exchanger, we use exclusively robotic CNC welding. Our welding center is equipped with CLOOS robots. The advantages consists in the high quality of the manufactured bodies and thus achieve a long service life. We use Kempoweld 4200 and Kempomat 2500 welding sources for welding components.
Production of boiler and riveting
Some of the smaller components that are part of the boiler have been gradually combined using riveting. This process is very effective, increases productivity and is firmer than weld joint.

Heat exchanger welding by CNC robot

Robotic welding has high productivity, accuracy and quality of weld joints
Production of boiler – pressure exchanger testing
The boiler exchanger is exposed to 1.5 times the max. operating pressure.The bodies are exposed to pressure by air and water with a force of 3 MPa. By pressurizing the boiler exchangers, the first-class quality of the boilers is guaranteed. During the final inspection, each boiler is subjected to a functional test of the control system. The output control of the high pressure test guarantees 100% quality of our exchangers.

Pressure testing of heat exchangers under air and water pressure

The painting line has 6 phases of the paint application process
Powder coating line
Surfin powder painting line IKP – 01, which we use, meets the highest requirements of modern technologies such as automated paint application, environmentally-saving paint recycling or infra-catalytic firing furnaces that concentrate heat directly on the painted part and not in space, as is the case with conventional furnaces, which delivers the highest efficiency at the lowest energy loss. The pre-transport tunnel is equipped with 3 degrees of pre-installation, where the first stage is phosphating and followed by 1st and 2nd rinsing with a demi rinsing frame. This pre-treatment ensures a clean and high-quality surface for paint coating.
Production of boiler – assembly line and dispatch
The production process of ATTACK boilers is completed by an assembly line where all components are composed into the final product – a boiler for biomass, gas or electricity. After the assembly of components, a complete testing of the boiler’s functionality is performed and then its dispatch to storage areas.

Assembly line of biomass boilers

Assembly line for gas and electricity boilers